Have you ever laid on the grass, looked at the sky and saw pictures in the clouds?
Do you ever see someone climb a tree or roll down a hill and say,
“I GOTTA do that!” and then do it?
Have you ever gotten lost in the woods looking at plants, birds or following roots?
Have you ever looked at a wild berry on a bush and wondered, “Can I eat that?”
Are you ever curious about how people used to start fires without matches or lighters?
Have you ever danced or moved your body in silly ways, even when there is no music playing?
If you answer yes to any of these questions, then that means you
might be a little Curious, a little Fun, and a little Free Exploring in Nature…
You just may be a little WILD!
ReWild! Youth is a nature-based program created that helps children become more aware and fully alive by unlocking their innate ability to explore and discover, using direct first-hand experiences with nature to draw out the genius that already exists within them.
ReWild! Youth believes that children must become aware of and enjoy the abundance of life, whether it be through growing food or foraging, creating and building from nature, exploring the world and themselves, or outdoor free play.
ReWild! Youth encourages every child to connect with nature and use their imaginations to unravel the mysteries of the world hidden behind its subtle movements, patterns and systems. Through our unique and effective programming, ReWild! Youth encourages a return to earth, a regeneration of culture, and reconnected communities.
ReWild! Youth is based on the philosophy of “Therapeutic Rewilding, a wholistic approach to health designed to build a deeper connection between humanity and our natural environment. It acknowledges that Earth and Spirit provide all that we need to thrive and live a fully vibrant life. Trusting in our body’s innate ability to heal and restore itself to a state of wholeness when is the essence of Therapeutic Rewilding.”–Maya Ittah, Founder of TerraVie Wellness, LLC
ReWild! Youth encourages our youth to ask questions. Direct exposure to nature allows the learner to use the resources around them to ask questions and find solutions or at the very least mitigate the need for answers to problems that don’t exist. The source of the answer lies in the question, just as the source of humanity lies in nature.
What is ReWilding?
Well, according to dictionary definition, "rewilding" is to restore
(an area of land) to its natural uncultivated state.
ReWild! Youth, helps create safe spaces for children to create, explore and return to their natural state: Joyful, Free, Curious and Connected! ReWild! Youth uses the 5 main approaches or The 5 Branches of Therapeutic Rewilding to help build whole health and wellness in our children and the greater community.
The 5 Branches of Therapeutic Rewilding are:
1) Wholistic and Ancestral Nutrition
2) Therapeutic Bodywork and Body Care Rituals
3) Natural Movement and Martial Arts
4) Meditative Nature and Body Awareness
5) Earth skills Integration
The 5 Branches of Therapeutic Rewilding have been adapted to develop the 5 Leaves of ReWild! Youth to focus on youth development, healing and re-connection to Nature.
The 5 Leaves of Rewild Youth:
1. Farm and Forage Food (FFF)- ancient ancestral and modern methods of
sustainable agriculture and wild foraging
2. Body Awareness and Self Care- helps youth understand the natural changes in
their bodies.
3. Move, Connect, Play- wild play and natural body movement to exercise and connect with body
4. Mindful Meditation- a deep look and deep breath into their personal connection with the natural environment
5. Nature Maker Space- create using resources and materials such as wood, stone, clay, or plants found in nature
Why ReWild! Youth?
ReWild! Youth Challenges youth to create enriching and connective experiences in nature
ReWild! Youth Creates learner-centered spaces that foster boundless wonder for inquisitive
explorers to cultivating a healthier relationship with nature
Our goals/Core Values:
• Nurture the growth of children who are more self-aware and nature-connected
• Rewild spaces and encourage the return to earth and its natural systems
• Steward children through the journey of life, drawing out what is already present
• Encourage explorative wonder, impassioned questioning and insatiable curiosity
• Create a regenerative culture, connecting multiple generations through ancestral
knowledge, experiences and storytelling
All children are “at risk” of the effects of Nature Deficit Disorder, or NDD. Nature Deficit
Disorder is the idea that human beings, especially children, are spending less time outdoors, and
the belief that this change results in a wide range of behavioral problems: diminished use of the
senses, physical health disparities as a result of inactivity and poor diet such as obesity, and
higher rates of mental and emotional illnesses such as ADHD, ODD, low self-esteem, addiction,
and depression. Whether from an affluent neighborhood or a low-income community, NDD does
not discriminate. This is a universal issue that needs to be addressed as we are seeing more and
more children damaged by their over exposure to technology and lack of connection to their
environment, including the people in it.
It is the goal of ReWild! Youth to reduce risky behaviors associated with limited connection to
nature, self and community which in turn limits their ability to gain new experiences as well as
retain and apply knowledge that would them develop into productive healthy adults. The
“environment” in which an individual works, plays and lives is a huge determinate in how they
will grow. Connection to the self-supportive and nurturing environment that nature provides
freely is essential for our children’s well-being and growth.
“Nature is calling, let’s go outside!” –John R.F. Lewis, Program Director of ReWild! Youth
Increasing evidence suggests that access to nature and green space, including farms, gardens and
trees, provides children with a myriad of cognitive, emotional, and physical benefits, such as
increased ability to concentrate, improved academic performance, reduced stress and aggression
levels, and reduced risk of health disparities including obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes,
asthma and hearth disease.
ReWild! Youth helps children become more aware and fully alive by unlocking their innate
ability to explore and discover, using direct first-hand experiences with nature to draw out the
genius that already exists within them. We believe that youth must become aware of and enjoy
the abundance of life, whether it be through growing their own food, foraging, hiking, exploring,
environmental science, or outdoor free play. ReWild! Youth encourages every child to connect
with nature and use their imaginations to unraveling the mysteries of the world hidden behind its
subtle movements, patterns and systems. Through our unique and effective programming,
ReWild! Youth encourages a return to earth, a regeneration of culture, and reconnected
ReWild! Youth uses natural settings and “wild” spaces as resources for exploration and
problem solving, connecting children to the natural world. Natural spaces such as farms, forests,
woods, green spaces and gardens work as “invisible classrooms”, breaking down the walls to
connect children to knowledge of self and the world around them.
ReWild! Youth programs use elements of the natural world to directly involve children in the
learning process, helping them design an educational framework that allows them the freedom of
self-discovery and exploration while providing guidance through “stewardship” rather than
hands-on direction or supervision.
The word Educate has its root in the Latin word educare meaning to “lead or draw out”. We
realize that all children are geniuses in their own unique way and have within them the latent
potential for greatness! They just need a safe and nurturing environment to grow and thrive. In
order to educate our children, our Education Stewards help draw out the knowledge that is
already theirs through mentorship, modeling, questioning, brain patterning and habit creation,
and constant engagement in the outdoors using nature as the classroom.
ReWild! Youth focuses on the needs of the “Whole Child”, using a unique mix of nature-based
education tools and restorative life-skills to advance our mission. ReWild! Youth uses its
programs to encourage creativity, expand awareness and imagination while supporting inquiry
and self-motivated discovery and experimentation.
Essential core competencies such as art, social studies, technology, music, math, reading, and
science are seamlessly integrated into daily lessons along with other essential practices that help
with fine and large motor and sensory skills. Mentoring is also a key component in the delivery
of our program activities. We believe that by modeling behaviors and guiding rather than
directing youth through the educational process, our Stewards build relationships that transmit
knowledge through deep personal experiences that stay with both mentor and mentee for the rest
of their lives.
ReWild! Youth believes that children must become aware of and enjoy the abundance of life, whether it be through growing food or foraging, creating and building from nature, exploring the world and themselves, or outdoor free play.
ReWild! Youth encourages every child to connect with nature and use their imaginations to unravel the mysteries of the world hidden behind its subtle movements, patterns and systems. Through our unique and effective programming, ReWild! Youth encourages a return to earth, a regeneration of culture, and reconnected communities.
ReWild! Youth is based on the philosophy of “Therapeutic Rewilding, a wholistic approach to health designed to build a deeper connection between humanity and our natural environment. It acknowledges that Earth and Spirit provide all that we need to thrive and live a fully vibrant life. Trusting in our body’s innate ability to heal and restore itself to a state of wholeness when is the essence of Therapeutic Rewilding.”–Maya Ittah, Founder of TerraVie Wellness, LLC
ReWild! Youth encourages our youth to ask questions. Direct exposure to nature allows the learner to use the resources around them to ask questions and find solutions or at the very least mitigate the need for answers to problems that don’t exist. The source of the answer lies in the question, just as the source of humanity lies in nature.
What is ReWilding?
Well, according to dictionary definition, "rewilding" is to restore
(an area of land) to its natural uncultivated state.
ReWild! Youth, helps create safe spaces for children to create, explore and return to their natural state: Joyful, Free, Curious and Connected! ReWild! Youth uses the 5 main approaches or The 5 Branches of Therapeutic Rewilding to help build whole health and wellness in our children and the greater community.
The 5 Branches of Therapeutic Rewilding are:
1) Wholistic and Ancestral Nutrition
2) Therapeutic Bodywork and Body Care Rituals
3) Natural Movement and Martial Arts
4) Meditative Nature and Body Awareness
5) Earth skills Integration
The 5 Branches of Therapeutic Rewilding have been adapted to develop the 5 Leaves of ReWild! Youth to focus on youth development, healing and re-connection to Nature.
The 5 Leaves of Rewild Youth:
1. Farm and Forage Food (FFF)- ancient ancestral and modern methods of
sustainable agriculture and wild foraging
2. Body Awareness and Self Care- helps youth understand the natural changes in
their bodies.
3. Move, Connect, Play- wild play and natural body movement to exercise and connect with body
4. Mindful Meditation- a deep look and deep breath into their personal connection with the natural environment
5. Nature Maker Space- create using resources and materials such as wood, stone, clay, or plants found in nature
Why ReWild! Youth?
ReWild! Youth Challenges youth to create enriching and connective experiences in nature
ReWild! Youth Creates learner-centered spaces that foster boundless wonder for inquisitive
explorers to cultivating a healthier relationship with nature
Our goals/Core Values:
• Nurture the growth of children who are more self-aware and nature-connected
• Rewild spaces and encourage the return to earth and its natural systems
• Steward children through the journey of life, drawing out what is already present
• Encourage explorative wonder, impassioned questioning and insatiable curiosity
• Create a regenerative culture, connecting multiple generations through ancestral
knowledge, experiences and storytelling
All children are “at risk” of the effects of Nature Deficit Disorder, or NDD. Nature Deficit
Disorder is the idea that human beings, especially children, are spending less time outdoors, and
the belief that this change results in a wide range of behavioral problems: diminished use of the
senses, physical health disparities as a result of inactivity and poor diet such as obesity, and
higher rates of mental and emotional illnesses such as ADHD, ODD, low self-esteem, addiction,
and depression. Whether from an affluent neighborhood or a low-income community, NDD does
not discriminate. This is a universal issue that needs to be addressed as we are seeing more and
more children damaged by their over exposure to technology and lack of connection to their
environment, including the people in it.
It is the goal of ReWild! Youth to reduce risky behaviors associated with limited connection to
nature, self and community which in turn limits their ability to gain new experiences as well as
retain and apply knowledge that would them develop into productive healthy adults. The
“environment” in which an individual works, plays and lives is a huge determinate in how they
will grow. Connection to the self-supportive and nurturing environment that nature provides
freely is essential for our children’s well-being and growth.
“Nature is calling, let’s go outside!” –John R.F. Lewis, Program Director of ReWild! Youth
Increasing evidence suggests that access to nature and green space, including farms, gardens and
trees, provides children with a myriad of cognitive, emotional, and physical benefits, such as
increased ability to concentrate, improved academic performance, reduced stress and aggression
levels, and reduced risk of health disparities including obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes,
asthma and hearth disease.
ReWild! Youth helps children become more aware and fully alive by unlocking their innate
ability to explore and discover, using direct first-hand experiences with nature to draw out the
genius that already exists within them. We believe that youth must become aware of and enjoy
the abundance of life, whether it be through growing their own food, foraging, hiking, exploring,
environmental science, or outdoor free play. ReWild! Youth encourages every child to connect
with nature and use their imaginations to unraveling the mysteries of the world hidden behind its
subtle movements, patterns and systems. Through our unique and effective programming,
ReWild! Youth encourages a return to earth, a regeneration of culture, and reconnected
ReWild! Youth uses natural settings and “wild” spaces as resources for exploration and
problem solving, connecting children to the natural world. Natural spaces such as farms, forests,
woods, green spaces and gardens work as “invisible classrooms”, breaking down the walls to
connect children to knowledge of self and the world around them.
ReWild! Youth programs use elements of the natural world to directly involve children in the
learning process, helping them design an educational framework that allows them the freedom of
self-discovery and exploration while providing guidance through “stewardship” rather than
hands-on direction or supervision.
The word Educate has its root in the Latin word educare meaning to “lead or draw out”. We
realize that all children are geniuses in their own unique way and have within them the latent
potential for greatness! They just need a safe and nurturing environment to grow and thrive. In
order to educate our children, our Education Stewards help draw out the knowledge that is
already theirs through mentorship, modeling, questioning, brain patterning and habit creation,
and constant engagement in the outdoors using nature as the classroom.
ReWild! Youth focuses on the needs of the “Whole Child”, using a unique mix of nature-based
education tools and restorative life-skills to advance our mission. ReWild! Youth uses its
programs to encourage creativity, expand awareness and imagination while supporting inquiry
and self-motivated discovery and experimentation.
Essential core competencies such as art, social studies, technology, music, math, reading, and
science are seamlessly integrated into daily lessons along with other essential practices that help
with fine and large motor and sensory skills. Mentoring is also a key component in the delivery
of our program activities. We believe that by modeling behaviors and guiding rather than
directing youth through the educational process, our Stewards build relationships that transmit
knowledge through deep personal experiences that stay with both mentor and mentee for the rest
of their lives.