Reflexology is the use of pressure to specific points of the feet, hands, or ears that correlate with different parts of the human body. These points are called reflex points and applying pressure on them has been found to benefit the receiver's overall health as well as increase organ health.
Reflexology is neither used to treat or diagnose disease, but has been used as a preventative and complementary therapy for a variety of ailments including anxiety, asthma, cancer, diabetes, headaches and more. Reflexology has also been found to be very effective in the treatment and pain relief related to plantar fasciitis, ankle pain, fallen arches, and common arthritis.
Reflexology is an ancient practice whose origins have not been identified although some markings on Egyptian tombs depict carvings of the foot and some specific symbolism within, dating over 1500 years old.
Your reflexology session will include the application of warm towels and an essential oil of your choice to your feet. Commonly used oils are Eucalyptus, peppermint, or tea tree. The carrier oil used is Castor Oil (The Oil of Christ) which is a thick and extremely moisturizing oil.
30 mins Reflexology session ................................ $45
~ A 30 minute session is recommended for either feet or hand reflexology only. Doing both would limit the time spent on each and you would not fully benefit from the reflexology treatment. 60 mins Reflexology session ............................... $80 ~ A 60 minute session allows the therapist to address both hands and feet thoroughly if desired OR spend the entire hour on hands or feet based on your need. 90 mins Reflexology session .............................. $115 ~ Delve deep into the realm of reflexology and enjoy a complete session which will address reflex points in hands, feet, and ears. You may also choose to focus on hands or feet. This session may also incorporate some head and neck massage if desired. |